The UNCTAD IIA Mapping Project is a program I designed and implemented while working as lead consultant for the International Investment Agreements (IIA) Section at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).  The primary output of the Project is the UNCTAD IIA database. This database, completed in early 2017, contains granular data on 122 different treaty protections and their variations for more than 2500 IIAs. Due to the magnitude of the project, the actual text analysis of the agreements (in more than 8 languages) was done by a global team of more than 550 law students at 42 universities in 22 countries. I designed, organized and managed the project with administrative and technical support from UNCTAD. It is estimated that more than 20,000 hours were spent on the creation of the database.

You can view the database here.  You can read about my role in leading the project here.